Thursday, July 14, 2011

A little honesty...

I'm a 41 year old male. College graduate. Married. Two kids. House. Two cars. Steady job. I also have a problem with follow through. I dream big dreams. Huge, impossible/improbable dreams. Smaller ones too. I start on little and big projects (too many to list), get a little something done and then...drop it. Probably for a variety of reasons, not just one. Fear of completion or success, laziness, not taking all the parts of the project into consideration and ending up with a huge mess, lack of funds, lack of interest. The list probably goes on and on. I have another issue: whenever I take on a new project and actually finish it, two things happen: 1) I usually take no pride or interest in the completed work. I may brag about it to others but the project has no intrinsic value. The second thing that happens - and is somewhat related to the first - is that I can't believe the project actually got done. I disassociate from it. To me, someone else did the work and I just sat back. I mean to change that. Shortly after I turned 41 I decided (somewhat on a whim) to take on a new project: ME. I decided I would train and enter a bodybuilding contest. Its a narcissistic sport to be sure but it had and still has, intrinsic value to me. My hope/end goal is that by going through the rigorous process of training and dieting and shaving and posing is not to win - although that would be great and I will train to win - but to compete and more importantly, to LOOK like I belong up there. I am hoping there will be some sort of "trickle down" effect on the rest of my life. I want to cut through all the negative (inside and outside voices) that are telling me one reason or the other why I can't do this. "Too old" "bad genetics" "you're a quitter and always have been" "You like Twinkies too much".

I picked out a contest and contacted the promoters about any prerequisites for competing. Just pay the fee: $100. The date: November 12, 2011. The place: NYC. The contest: NPC Eastern Bodybuilding Contest.
I'm starting this online journal as I am starting the 'cutting' diet. 17 weeks of cutting. And yes, I will post progress pictures. Just a couple of more notes: Competing clean with no steroids. I don't have an issue with 'roids per se, I just want to do this clean. Personal choice.

1 comment:

  1. Take this advice to heart my friend. You can do this for sure. If you find along the way that there is an even more satisfying path then take it. Simply by opening yourself up to succeeding you may find an even sweeter treat awaiting. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy the moments of victory wherever they spring up. Lastly, demand as much out of life as you can and know it is well deserved.
