October was shot. Completely shot to shit. I caught a nasty cold early on in the month and was down for 2 weeks. As a result, my mood went deep south. Combine that with nasty cold weather and you have a perfect storm of depression and despair. However, it did provide some personal insight. I have asked myself the question "if I could take a pill that would give me the perfect body overnight and thus eliminate the need for training, would I take it?" I now have the answer: no. I realise more and more that training is more than a means to an end. I enjoy the process.
Recently I read a piece in a philosophy book describing religion as a relationship between you and what you hold most dear. Weight training then IS my religion. I worship at the church of iron.
Now that my cold has passed and I am able to get back into the gym, my mood has lifted from the deep crevasse. I need to adjust my training for the next couple of weeks. I need to up my conditioning. I don't feel like I could go 10 or 15 rounds. A little micro-circuit of 3 or 4 weeks of high intensity interval training (HITT) and complexes should help that.